Lodestone Location Format = Copyright(c) 2014, 2015, David Ryall.
Screen Designs, Features, Intellectual Property, Implementation Concepts = Copyright(c) 2014, 2015, David Ryall.
When sharing a location important measurement information is required so that the senders location can be accurately determined.
i) Accuracy:
ii) Geodetic Datum: The Geodetic Datum used in the measurement has to be the same as that on the map/chart otherwise your location on the map/chart will not be correct. There are many different Geodetic Datum sytems and location errors of up to 1km can occur if they do not match.
Future developments to Lodestone Location Format
It is proposed that URLs will include important measurement information as described above.
E.g. 1: http://maps.apple.com/?q=45.123456,23.123456,a=10m,gd=wgs84,u=dd.
E.g. 2: comgooglemaps://?q=42.195233,27.823247,a=10m,gd=wgs84,u=dd.
E.g. 3:
It is proposed that a map showing this information, will show the location on the map/chart, surrounded by a circle indicating the measured accuracy.
Screen Designs, Features, Intellectual Property, Implementation Concepts = Copyright(c) 2014, 2015, David Ryall.
When sharing a location important measurement information is required so that the senders location can be accurately determined.
i) Accuracy:
ii) Geodetic Datum: The Geodetic Datum used in the measurement has to be the same as that on the map/chart otherwise your location on the map/chart will not be correct. There are many different Geodetic Datum sytems and location errors of up to 1km can occur if they do not match.
Future developments to Lodestone Location Format
It is proposed that URLs will include important measurement information as described above.
E.g. 1: http://maps.apple.com/?q=45.123456,23.123456,a=10m,gd=wgs84,u=dd.
E.g. 2: comgooglemaps://?q=42.195233,27.823247,a=10m,gd=wgs84,u=dd.
E.g. 3:
It is proposed that a map showing this information, will show the location on the map/chart, surrounded by a circle indicating the measured accuracy.